Art and Mystery

This post will explore the relationship between art and mystery. I will look at a couple of my own favourite pieces of art. However, the points I will touch upon can also apply to your own personal favourites too. Mystery often serves an important purpose within art. A painting can create a small slice of… Continue reading Art and Mystery

An Interview with the Editors

The first episode of Spellchats is here and we hope you are as excited as we are. The first introductory episode is an interview with Editor-in-Chief Amber Kennedy and Nonfiction Editor Linda Arrighi. Get to know all the ins and outs of Spellbinder by listening to the first episode! Hosted by Doriana Dyakova. TRANSCRIPT: DD:… Continue reading An Interview with the Editors

Winter 2022 – Non-Fiction

A difficult year calls for the fulfilling familiarity that the cosiness of December brings. The last few weeks, leading up to the beginning of a new year, feel like a suspended simulation where one revels in one’s guiltless liberty to take a pause, disconnect from the harsh realities that life demands, and simply dwell in… Continue reading Winter 2022 – Non-Fiction

An Introduction to Free-form Writing

This post will introduce you to free-form writing, a technique which is extremely useful and versatile. As a writer, it can often be easy to be overcritical. We can all get bogged down in overanalysing what we have written or agonising over what we write next. Sometimes, we may not know what to write at… Continue reading An Introduction to Free-form Writing

Autumn 2021 – Drama

The Mormons ‘PASTEL But John, my spirit! It was a calling in my spirit that there’s some unrighteousness afoot in the church, John, and it needs a tender weeding to resurrect the trueness, John, the principles of Christ. If we’re to follow, John, we must follow Christ. I simply made a motion to return to… Continue reading Autumn 2021 – Drama

Autumn 2021 – Art

Chien et Loup Alison Gallego Alison Gallego’s photography piece ‘Chien et Loup’ is a wonderfully atmospheric image, capturing three shadowy figures looking out over the expansive Parisian skyline as the sun is setting. Muted pink clouds paint the sky above and the golden evening glow of the city warms the streets the light has deserted.… Continue reading Autumn 2021 – Art