Masthead – Tod Barnbrook

Tod Barnbrook (He/Him)

Former Fiction Co-Editor

Spring 2023 – Summer 2024 (inclusive)

Tod Barnbrook is an aspiring writer of anything that takes his fancy; prose, poetry, script, or creative non-fiction. He graduated in 2022 with an MA in Creative Writing from York St. John University, after achieving a BA in the very same. Tod worked on the editing team for a collaboration between Valley Press, a Scarborough based publisher, and York St. John to produce the 2020 edition of the Beyond the Walls anthology. A copy of the publication sits proudly on his bookshelf, containing one of his own poems.

When writing, Tod tends to concentrate on the connection between the human and the natural, and how similar or different extreme circumstances can force them to be. He is currently working on a long-form piece of prose centring on the concept of human obsession, and how that can drive people to abandon reason for madness. When reading, Tod tries to shake off his lifelong love of fantasy by reading classics, literary fiction, or even creative nonfiction and essays. Try as he might, though, he’ll always return to that which he loves most: the fantastic and the other-wordly.

When not writing (or reading or editing), Tod can usually be found in the pub, in the cinema, or in a football stadium.