Spellbinder Sunday

On Sundays, we ask thought-provoking questions about writing, literature, art, theatre, film, music, and life to the Spellbinder communities on IG and X. In this page, you will be able to see what they think and recommend. Become part of the Spellbinder community and turn every Sunday into a #spellbindersunday by following us on IG @spellbindermag and X @spellbindermag. What’s so special to us about #spellbindersunday is to share little precious memories, tips, and ways of being with the Spellbinder community. It warms our hearts to find a common appreciation and gratitude for an art-filled life.


What’s a writing-related habit that has completely changed your perspective and your life as a writer?

“Noting down details of insignificant things because I think it might be useful for building characters or a mood in my future stories.” Advice by @shrubaboti

Where have you been featured recently?

“I was fortunate enough to be featured as a guest poet in the March issue of The Crow’s Quill from @QuillandCrow.” Reply by @SuzannaLundale

If you have one, what’s your writing routine? What helps you get in the flow? How do you balance work and life with writing?

“My writing routine begins with marketing, and any household chores. From there I move on to editing or critique for others which warms me up nicely to begin my own writing late afternoon/early evening. Seems to work well.” Reply by @PMOsborneWriter

To celebrate #nationalpoetrymonth, please share your favourite poems and poets!

“This Be The Verse by Philip Larkin; Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas; Anthem For Doomed Youth by Wilfred Owen.” Recommended by @LudfordDave

“Solitude by ella wheeler wilcox; The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost.” Recommended by @tinamariethinkstoomuch

Which mags have you submitted to recently?

“I’ve submitted to Dollar Store, Stark Nights, Loft & your good selves.” Reply by @LudfordDave

“So far this month… Dollar Store Mag, Bleach!, Birdy, Variant Lit, Contemporary Jo, Spare Parts Lit, Poetry Onl, Chaotic Merge, Split Lip, Loud Coffee Press, Sirens Call, Grim & Gilded… Already got a couple of rejections from this list, too.” Reply by @tinamariethinkstoomuch

What’s your favourite time of the day to write?

“Evenings/nights. it’s quieter, the rest of the day is done, and it’s time to unwind my brain.” – Reply by @poetesssarah

“Mid-morning. I’m awake and can fool myself that I have a whole day of productivity ahead.” – Reply by @powercutmag


What’s a must-read for someone who loves Spellbinder and all things fantasy, speculative, folklore, surreal, and magical?

“Ursula LeGuin’s gentle and thought-provoking short story collection Changing Planes.” Recommended by @sarahjansencom

What’s your favourite childhood book?

The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins.” Recommended by @LoquaciousType

The Magic Tree House series was one of my favorites!” Recommended by @justatwinge

Do you have a bookmark, if so what does it look like, or do you dog-ear pages?

“I don’t just have one bookmark, I have… Well, I’ve never counted and I don’t feel like doing that now either. But it’s definitely a number less than 10 and certainly more than 4. One is of Legolas from 20 years ago. I may or definitely was obsessed with LOTR at the time.” Reply by @tinamarie_cox

“yes!! it’s metal and based off of Louis Comfort Tiffany’s Grapevine Panel stained glass on display at the Met. my best friend gave it to me, so i love using it :)” Reply by @nbpersephone

How many books do you usually have on the go at the same time?

“Perfectly normal… I get side tracked easily, and some are Audible, E-book, and physical. Also, my ADD makes it a talent to pick something up and continue from months ago like nothing happened…but not want to finish right now what I just started.” Reply by @JeniLozauskas

“I try to focus on one at a time but I often get distracted or excited about another title, so I’ll sometimes have 2 or 3 going at once. I’m drowning in my tbr pile.” Reply by @tinamarie_cox

“Usually one book for fun, 2-3 books for uni work and maybe a manga or two… ^.^” Reply by @Lindsay_Writes3

What upcoming book releases are you excited about?

“Root Fractures by Diana Khoi Nguyen.” Reply by @KillerEmm

What’s your favourite bookshop and why?

“The Winding Stair in Dublin. Diligent and knowledgeable staff, a calming atmosphere and the most esoteric and eclectic collection.” Recommended by @nekoninja_novels

“The Buzzed Word in Ocean City, MD. They sell their books with little personalised notes in them, in addition to having a wine and an excellently curated selection of books.” Recommended by @brainstem47

“Beverly Bookshop in Beverly, East Yorkshire. They promote local authors and books in the area, a great little indie bookshop.” Recommended by @ellie.wils


What are some unusual artistic experiences you recommend?

“Lucy Zhang’s SAPLING.” Recommended by @CandiceKelsey1

What’s the piece of art that got you into art?

“For paintings, it was Christina’s World! Something about the serene setting really stuck with me! Even without seeing her face, I can imagine how she’s feeling sitting in that field.” Recommended by @messymisfits

What are some must-visit art galleries around the world?

“SO SPECIFIC but the Linden New Art Gallery in St Kilda, Australia. They have a yearly Postcard Exhibition and it’s so worth it to go see the work people have fit on tiny little canvases.” Recommended by @PapersPub

“Louvre: Skip most of the cluttered walls & head down to the basement to see the foundations of an early castle; Tate Britain: for JMW Turner’s art, which inspired the Impressionists. His command of light was impressive; Musée d’Orsay: for the wonderful Impressionist collection.” Recommended by @Sebon521


What’s your favourite musical? Where did you see it?

“‘Bombay Dreams’, it was in London on a school trip, we got to go for the weekend we were 17/18 and felt very glamorous and grown up. We got to share proper hotel rooms with a friend, not just a hostel. It’s such a stand out memory. The show was incredible and I’ve not seen anything since with as much energy. It was so bright and colourful. We saw ‘Mamma Mia’ that weekend as well but ‘Bombay Dreams’ was unforgettable.” Recommended by @spinningdove

“‘Chicago’. I saw it first in theaters and I now own the DVD to watch it anytime I want.” Recommended by @atullerwrites

“‘Wicked’; it was my first musical. Although I’m going through a semi-Hamilton phase right now, I haven’t actually watched it.” Recommended by @XtremeBarnett

Who’s your favourite playwright and why?
“It’s hard to top Shakespeare. His St Crispin’s Day speech is one of my favourites – it’s one of the long speeches from ‘Henry V’. It’s Act 4, Scene 3. It’s where Band of Brothers got its title.” Recommended by @Sebon521

What got you into writing scripts? Or simply into theatre?

“What drives me is that we can build a world of fiction that allows you to insert your own life experiences and play them out the way we wish they could have gone.” Reply by @LukissNess


What are some of the most mind-bending films and tv series you have watched?

“Without doubt, in its synthesis of 19th and 21st century themes and contexts, its radical portrayals of iconic writers, and its devotion to an Emily Dickinson we have never met before, Dickinson has bent my mind, made me laugh, and made me cry.” Recommended by @NewVerseNews

What’s the best TV series you have ever watched?

Fringe, really underrated, fantastic characters, strong female lead who isn’t overly sexualised and a solid ending.” Recommended by @spinningdove

Are there any on-screen adaptations you like as much as the book?

“our eic adores the screen adaptation of catch-22 by joseph heller, the 2019 mini series.” Recommended by @starknightslit

“So far I am loving Apple TV’s The Last Thing He Told Me. I’ve watched two episodes and the tension is fantastic without being over the top.” Recommened by @SharonKorzelius

Apocalypse Now, which is based on Heart of Darkness.” Recommended by @trent_lewin

“Room with a View.” Recommended by @Pocket_rhyme


What’s your favourite musical artist / music genre / album to listen to while writing?

“I reach for early Butthole Surfers. That hybrid of punk and psychedelic music is inspiring to me. Funny and scary. Depending on the tone of my piece I’ll put on Hairway to Steven (1988) or Locust Abortion Technician (1987). Art.” Recommended by @HankKirton

“Puccini’s TOSCA (feat. Maria Callas). Dammi i Colori is my favorite piece.” Recommended by @CandiceKelsey1

“Any genre so long as it’s instrumental or in a language I do not understand. I particularly love writing to the jazz-noir outfit @Biglazyx, the tangos of Astor Piazzolla, and @DakhaBrakha.” Recommended by Ink, EIC of @StanzaCannon

What’s your favourite song lyric of all time?

“Violence is the fruit of unreached understanding
That flower from the lips of scoundrels
It is a forest so dense and rooted in our past
It tempts us to become lost in its darkness
And stinks like the piss test you were forced to take
Just before you were told that you
Didn’t meet the standards of integrity
That this organization strives to maintain”
From Violence by Parquet Courts – Recommended by @AleDotJpg

“Once I thought I saw you in a crowded hazy bar
Dancing on the light from star to star
Far across the moonbeam I know that’s who you are
I saw your brown eyes turning once to fire”
From Like A Hurricane by Neil Young – Recommended by @trent_lewin

As we head into the season of outdoor concerts and festival, what is the best concert you have ever been to?

“The Smiths: The Queen is Dead tour in 1986. Cornwall, UK.” Reply by @whoisMcNorth

“Gatecrasher, early 2000, UK!” Reply by @lishen_sim


What’s your favourite online book reviewing platform or book club?

@thestorygraph for sure! They have a feature where you can see content warnings/trigger warnings. They also allow you to rate books in .5 or .75 format which is extremely helpful. Such a wonderful alternative to GoodReads not only because of the above features but also because their interface is beautiful and the creators are constantly improving it.” Recommended by @FzReads

What’s your favourite podcast to listen to? Is there a podcast that gets your creative juices flowing?

“Has to be @k8_lister Betwixt the Sheets, excellent saucy history podcast which is both interesting and funny.” Recommended by @spinningdove

What does your ideal Sunday look like?

“A gentle drizzle drops, a window open to the sea shore, a comfortable sofa, an Agatha Christie’s book in my hands and my cat sleeping on my feet.” Reply by @VPetroudi

“Sunny moorland, old walking boots, and an iced coffee so strong it could pry the ancient dead back from the earth.” Reply by @hogliterary

“Nestled in a four day weekend; brunch, nap, read, craft, a little TV, sweet lemonade.” Reply by @Lizzy5by5

“A thundering kind of storm stirring in the distance, as tiredness is tucked in, a glass of, and book; the Rugby World cup is on, the children are screaming and playing into dusky hours filled with wafting flavours of an afternoon roast.” Reply by @lishen_sim

“As a mom, a Sunday where I’m not doing mom-things/prepping for the week ahead, and have a quiet house to read or write for a few hours.” Reply by @tinamarie_cox

The cover images are respectively by Nur Yilmaz, Nubia Navarro, Verend, cottonbro, Megha Mangal, Elina Sazonova, and nam mau on Pexels.