Write Every Day

You may have seen that we have already posted tips about making art your hobby; now we’ve created the following post for writers looking for some guidance for their craft. This is suitable for creators of poetry, fiction and nonfiction, and should be useful for amateur and experienced writers alike. Location Whether you wish to… Continue reading Write Every Day

Writing Walks

This post should inspire you to think creatively in relation to the following prompt and is especially targeted at short story and flash fiction writers. Write or draw something about a winter walk. I’m not talking about an ordinary walk, but one where something absurd happens and your protagonist has to step up and make… Continue reading Writing Walks

Artistic Avenues

The visual arts is a very broad field which this post will attempt to navigate. This is designed to encourage you to experiment with different mediums and submit work to our magazine that does not fall into the most obvious forms of painting and photography, although we love receiving these too! Painting If you’ve ever… Continue reading Artistic Avenues

Reflections and Resolutions

This post will offer some guidance to help you respond to the following Spellbinder Instagram prompt, and will be especially useful for nonfiction writers and photographers. Write or draw something about the month of January. What does this month mean to you? Now that it is over, do you feel relief or pressure? Take this… Continue reading Reflections and Resolutions

In the Bleak Midwinter

Through this post, I hope to offer some suggestions of how you can respond to the following Spellbinder Instagram prompt, and point you in the direction of some works of literature and art that you can consider for inspiration. Write or draw about a snow day. What does the air smell like? What colours do… Continue reading In the Bleak Midwinter

Winter 2021 – Art

Birth in a Pandemic As you can see above, Alicia’s artwork is incredibly captivating. As an editor, I was immensely intrigued by the story behind the work. Since publication, I have discussed the origins of the painting with Alicia who was pregnant during the pandemic. Unable to go out except for doctor appointments, this was… Continue reading Winter 2021 – Art